Easy answer - because dogs are AWESOME!
Seriously, if you're privileged enough to share your home and heart with a hound then you've experienced first hand the unique and pure joy of dog induced happiness. And that, my friends, is why Mucky Pup Photography exists. Dogs and their quirks deserve to be CELEBRATED, and you (the human counterpart to the best relationship on earth) deserve to have your walls decorated with stunning artwork of your best friend.
If I'm honest, Mucky Pup Photography wouldn't be here if it wasn't for this boy here...Dexter (AKA Ducky, Derek, Monsieur Fluff-Butt - he's acquired a vast quantity of nicknames). He is the original Mucky Pup and his existence makes life that much better. His morning howl to greet us when we wake up, the way he bombs down the stairs to say hello when we come home, the way he hogs the bed(!) – all the little things he does, albeit unwittingly, brings a smile and brings a bit more light into our lives.
I know this isn't a feeling or emotion that is unique to me. I think any person who is owned by a dog can relate to this; dogs are our constant. They’re non-judgmental, ever present, optimistic, loving, warm, dependable…the list goes on. The point is that as the years go by, and these last eleven(!) years with Dexter have gone by so fast, I have celebrated his presence in the only and best way I know how. By photographing him. And these photographs, I’m not ashamed to say, make up a dedicated Dexter wall in my home. I frequently look back through these photographs and realise just how lucky we’ve been to have him in our lives.
And this is why I do the same for others and why you will frequently find me lying on the floor (sometimes covered in mud or sand) camera at the ready trying to get the best possible angle for that perfect image…all for the love of DOG.
I'm Sarah - the human behind Mucky Pup Photography. Apparently this is the bit where I'm supposed to tell you weird and wonderful things about myself, so here goes: